TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You could expect the same or better mileage "IF"
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Subject You could expect the same or better mileage "IF"
Posted by Greg D. (Specialty-Z) on January 22, 2011 at 12:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 799 times.
In Reply To just curious, with all that air and fuel making the power >> posted by stockplayerz(nyc) on January 22, 2011 at 09:46 AM
Message you could drive the car the same.
Basically, the engine is moving the same amount of air and fuel just cruising to more the car....better breathing can allow the engine to work less hard and use less fuel under cruising conditions.

The extra breathing and fuel is only used as you demand it.
The engine with the extra breathing and fuel has the ability to consume MUCH more fuel if you ask it to as consuming more fuel with the proper air is what is making the extra power.

Because the feeling of power is a DRUG (Yes, I sell Speed)
you will have a very hard time keeping your foot off the throttle......The feeling is of boost coming in hard is not something one gets use to and you will want to keep going back for more. This will use a lot more fuel, but I think you will be fine paying the price and you will simply be broke and happy :-)
Enjoy the Boost!

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